HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
HGNC Approved SymbolHGNC Approved Name
SCARNA15small Cajal body-specific RNA 15
snoid : SR0000215
Length : 127
Abstract : Homo sapiens ACA45 scaRNA This H/ACA box RNA was cloned by Kiss et al. (2004) from a HeLa cell extract immunoprecipitated with an anti-GAR1 antibody. It is predicted to guide the pseudouridylation of residue U37 of the U2 spliceosomal snRNA. The pseudouridylation of this residue was previously reported by Shibata et al. (1975). As other modification guides of RNA pol II-transcribed spliceosomal snRNAs, ACA45 presumably resides in Cajal bodies. A small fraction of ACA45 is converted by a Dicer-dependant, Drosha/DGCR8-independant, mechanism into a 20-22 nt RNA that functions as a microRNA (Ender et al., 2008).
GenBank accession number : AJ609485
Host gene : Cluster of mRNAs/ESTs (UniGene Hs.513091).
Click here to see the position on the UCSC Genome Browser
Target RNA : U2 snRNA U37
References :
- Kiss, A. M., Jady, B. E., Bertrand, E., and Kiss, T. (2004). Human box H/ACA pseudouridylation guide RNA machinery. Mol. Cell .Biol. 24, 5797-5807
- Shibata, H., Ro-Choi, T. S., Reddy, R., Choi, Y. C., Henning, D., and Busch, H. (1975). The primary nucleotide sequence of nuclear U-2 ribonucleic acid. The 5'-terminal portion of the molecule. J Biol Chem, 250, 3909-3920.
- Ender, C., Krek, A., Friedlander, M. R., Beitzinger, M., Weinmann, L., Chen, W., Pfeffer, S., Rajewsky, N., and Meister, G. (2008). A human snoRNA with microRNA-like functions. Mol Cell 32, 519-528
Sequence :
snoRNABase -