HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
HGNC Approved SymbolHGNC Approved Name
SNORA63small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 63
snoid : SR0000315
Length : 123
Abstract : Homo sapiens E3 snoRNA. This H/ACA box snoRNA was cloned by Ruff et al. (1993). It was shown by Rimoldi et al. (1993) that E3 can be cross-linked by psoralen to the 18S rRNA region (between residues 1021 and 1639) of the nucleolar pre-rRNA. E3 RNA degradation of frog oocytes shuts down production of 32S pre-rRNA from 36S pre-rRNA, suggesting that E3 snoRNA is involved in rRNA processing at or near the 5' end of 5.8S RNA (site 3) (Mishra and Eliceiri, 1997). Ganot et al. (1997b) recognised its hairpin-hinge-hairpin-tail structure characteristic of H/ACA box snRNAs. The role of E3 in guiding the pseudouridylation of U4390 in 28S rRNA was evidenced by Ganot et al. (1997a). The pseudouridylation of this residue was previously reported by Ofengand and Bakin (1997). The H/ACA box snoRNAs E3,HBI-61 and ACA4, and the C/D box snoRNA snR39B share the same host gene (EIF4A2).
GenBank accession number : L07384
Host gene : EIF4A2 (eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A2).
Click here to see the position on the UCSC Genome Browser
Target RNA : 28S rRNA U4390
References :
- Ganot, P., Bortolin, M. L., and Kiss, T. (1997a). Site-specific pseudouridine formation in preribosomal RNA is guided by small nucleolar RNAs. Cell 89, 799-809.
- Ofengand, J., and Bakin, A. (1997). Mapping to nucleotide resolution of pseudouridine residues in large subunit ribosomal RNAs from representative eukaryotes, prokaryotes, archaebacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts. J Mol Biol 266, 246-268.
- Ruff, E. A., Rimoldi, O. J., Raghu, B., and Eliceiri, G. L. (1993). Three small nucleolar RNAs of unique nucleotide sequences. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 90, 635-638
- Rimoldi, O. J., Raghu, B., Nag, M. K., and Eliceiri, G. L. (1993). Three new small nucleolar RNAs that are psoralen cross-linked in vivo to unique regions of pre-rRNA. Mol Cell Biol 13, 4382-4390.
- Ganot, P., Caizergues-Ferrer, M., and Kiss, T. (1997b). The family of box ACA small nucleolar RNAs is defined by an evolutionarily conserved secondary structure and ubiquitous sequence elements essential for RNA accumulation. Genes Dev 11, 941-956.
- Mishra, R. K., and Eliceiri, G. L. (1997). Three small nucleolar RNAs that are involved in ribosomal RNA precursor processing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 94, 4972-4977.
Sequence :
snoRNABase - http://www-snorna.biotoul.fr/