HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee | HGNC Approved Symbol | HGNC Approved Name | SNORA11E | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 11E |
 | snoid :
 | Length :
127 |
 | Abstract :
Human SNORA11E H/ACA snoRNA. This snoRNA was discovered by Yang et al. (2006) with the snooSeeker software. An exact copy,SNORA11D, resides in a duplicated inverted copy of the MAGED4 host gene. Paralogous snoRNAs, SNORA11 (U107) and U107B reside in paralogous host genes, MAGED2 and TRO, and thus originated from complex gene duplications in the pericentromeric region of chrX. Conversely, SNORA11B and SNORA11C are retrotransposons.
See U107 entry for alignment. |
 | GenBank accession number :
AM413019 |
 | Host gene : MAGED4 (melanoma antigen family D 4) |
 | Click here to see the position on the UCSC Genome Browser |
 | Target RNA : unknown |
 | References : - Luo Y. and Li S. (2007) Genome-wide analyses of retrogenes derived from the human box H/ACA snoRNAs. Nuc. Acids Res. 35(2):559-71.
 | Sequence :
snoRNABase - |