HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
HGNC Approved SymbolHGNC Approved Name
SNORD83Bsmall nucleolar RNA, C/D box 83B
snoid : SR0000300
Length : 93
Abstract : Homo sapiens C/D box snoRNA U83B. This snoRNA, as well as U83C, was characterized by the examination of conserved sequences in introns of the RPL3 gene (Duga et al., 2000). The expression of U83A/B was experimentally verified in human HeLa cells. Both U83A and B have no documented RNA target. They share the same host gene with the C/D box snoRNA U43, and have no sequence similarity with the U83 snoRNA cloned by Jady and Kiss (2000).
GenBank accession number :
Host gene : RPL3 (ribosomal protein L3)
Click here to see the position on the UCSC Genome Browser
Target RNA : unknown
References :
- Jady, B. E., and Kiss, T. (2000). Characterisation of the U83 and U84 small nucleolar RNAs: two novel 2'-O-ribose methylation guide RNAs that lack complementarities to ribosomal RNAs. Nucleic Acids Res, 28, 1348-1354.
- Duga,S., Asselta,R., Malcovati,M., Tenchini,M.L., Ronchi,S. and Simonic,T. The intron-containing L3 ribosomal protein gene (RPL3): sequence analysis and identification of U43 and of two novel intronic small ncleolar RNAs. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1490 (3), 225-236 (2000)
Sequence :
snoRNABase - http://www-snorna.biotoul.fr/