Abstract :
Homo sapiens U65 snoRNA.
This H/ACA box RNA was cloned from HeLa cells by Ganot et al. (1997b). Its role in guiding the pseudouridylation of residues U4373 and U4427 of 28S rRNA was evidenced by Ganot et al. (1997a). The pseudouridylation of these residues was previously reported by Ofengand and Bakin (1997). Note that the published sequence differs from the genomic sequence by 1nt.
The NMR structure of the 3' stem-loop with a substrate RNA molecule was determined by Wu et Feigon (2007) and confirms the predicted model shown below. However, the NMR structure of the 5' stem-loop with target RNA determined by Jin et al. (2007) slightly differs from the model.