Abstract :
Homo sapiens mgU2-19/30 scaRNA. This scaRNA was characterized by Tycowski et al. (2004). It is composed of two C/D box domains that are predicted to guide the 2'O-ribose methylation of U2 snRNA G19 and A30. Northern blot analysis of RNAs form HeLa cells revealed the presence of the full length mgU2-19/30, as well as the separate parts mgU2-19 and mgU2-30. The latter was independently cloned by H. Zhou and L.-H. Qu as Z32 snoRNA (AJ009638). Cell fractionation experiments revealed the presence of mgU2-19/30 in the nucleoplasm, in agreement with a localization in Cajal bodies as other modification guides for RNA polII transcribed snRNAs (Darzacq et al., 2002). However, mgU2-19 and mgU2-30 resided in the nucleolar fraction.