HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
HGNC Approved SymbolHGNC Approved Name
SNORA14Bsmall nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 14B
snoid : SR0000040
Length : 135
Abstract : Homo sapiens ACA14b snoRNA This H/ACA box RNA was cloned by Kiss et al. (2004) from a HeLa cell extract immunoprecipitated with an anti-GAR1 antibody. As its close paralogue ACA14a, it is predicted to guide the pseudouridylation of residues U966 of 18S rRNA. Maden and Wakeman (1988) could not determine whether U966, U968 or U969 was modified. The pseudouridylation of residue U966 was experimentally confirmed by primer extension mapping by Kiss et al. (2004).
GenBank accession number : AJ609457
Host gene : TOMM20 (translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 20 (yeast) homolog).
Click here to see the position on the UCSC Genome Browser
Target RNA : 18S rRNA U966
sno/scaRNAs with same target 18S rRNA U966 : ACA14a   
References :
- Kiss, A. M., Jady, B. E., Bertrand, E., and Kiss, T. (2004). Human box H/ACA pseudouridylation guide RNA machinery. Mol. Cell .Biol. 24, 5797-5807
- Maden, E. H., and Wakeman, J. A. (1988). Pseudouridine distribution in mammalian 18 S ribosomal RNA. A major cluster in the central region of the molecule. Biochem J 249, 459-464.
Sequence :
snoRNABase -