Abstract :
Homo sapiens ACA47 scaRNA
This H/ACA box RNA was cloned by Kiss et al. (2004) from a HeLa cell extract immunoprecipitated with an anti-GAR1 antibody. It is predicted to guide the pseudouridylation of residue U5 of the U1 spliceosomal snRNA. The pseudouridylation of this residue was previously reported by Reddy et al. (1981). As other modification guides of RNA pol II-transcribed spliceosomal snRNAs, ACA47 presumably resides in Cajal bodies. In agreement, a conserved CAB box (Richard et al., 2003 ) is present in the 3' loop.
In mammals, the ACA47 host gene is protein non-coding. The most likely ACA47 in fugu, tetraodon, stickleback and medaka resides in the PDHA1 gene.