Abstract :
Homo sapiens U70B snoRNA. This H/ACA box snoRNA was described by Weber (2006) as a primate-specific U70 Type 3 snoRT, and was also identified by Yang et al. (2006) and Luo and Li (2007). It is present in human, chimp, rhesus and orangutan, but not marmoset, genomes. In rhesus, a AluMacY3 element is inserted in the snoRNA sequence.
The GenBank sequence AM413014 differs from the genomic sequence by 1 bp.
Twelve human U70 type 3 snoRTs reside in an intron of a known gene in the sense orientation, including U70B (USP34), U70C (ASTN2), U70D (PHLPPL), U70E (RAB30), U70F (COBLL1) and U70G (RAP1B) (Weber, 2006; Luo and Li, 2007).