Abstract :
Homo sapiens U70C snoRNA. This H/ACA box snoRNA was described by Weber (2006) as a human/chimp-specific U70 Type 3 snoRT, and was also identified by Yang et al. (2006) and Luo and Li (2007). It is present in human, chimp, and orangutan, but not rhesus and marmoset, genomes. The GenBank sequence AM413015 differs from the genomic sequence by 1 bp.
Twelve human U70 type 3 snoRTs reside in an intron of a known gene in the sense orientation, including U70B (USP34), U70C (ASTN2), U70D (PHLPPL), U70E (RAB30), U70F (COBLL1) and U70G (RAP1B) (Weber, 2006; Luo and Li, 2007).